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Video streaming is compliments of which was established in 1990 to help build and develop labor media and labor communication to build local, national and international labor solidarity. It holds bi-annual international labor communication conferences and the next one will be on December 10, 11 & 12th in San Francisco. The potential for global solidarity through the use of the internet and live streaming is tremendous.nIt is working to develop a 24 hour international labor channel with labor video, text, music, photographs and live programming from throughout the world --
We are not going to "sleep in", but instead we will make history!
Bay Area Labor and Community to Picket an Israeli Ship
Sunday, June 20, 2010, 5:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Berth 57, Port of Oakland, California, U.S.A.
Protest Israel’s Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla!
Boycott Israeli Ships and Goods!
Lift the Blockade NOW – Let Gaza Live!
Bring Down Israel's Apartheid Wall!
Protest Israel’s Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla!
Boycott Israeli Ships and Goods!
Lift the Blockade NOW – Let Gaza Live!
Bring Down Israel's Apartheid Wall!
Unions, labor federations and other organizations around the world have condemned Israel’s deadly attack against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May 31, 2010. Nine people were killed and dozens seriously injured in the Israeli commando attack in international waters on ships attempting to bring humanitarian cargo to the suffering and blockaded people of Gaza.